Laxworx Lacrosse Hardwall Rebounder 2.0



  • Patent pending technology incorporated in the high-density composite wall body
  • Curved playing surface yields a forgiving rebound
  • Attractive, high gloss, UV stable, weatherproof finish
  • Stainless steel and zinc coated hardware for ultimate weathering
  • All new sleek, extremely stable base/stand design
  • All new leveling feet, especially good for use on hard ground
  • All new improved finite playing angle adjustment system
  • Greatly simplified assembly

Assembly Guide


Innovation Hard Wall Technology Conservation of Energy Arc Playing Surface


This rebounder is unlike any other soft wall rebounder on the market today. The new PATENT PENDING technology of the LAXWORX HARD WALL deforms the ball upon collision with the wall, rather than deforming the wall. The kinetic energy of a thrown ball will be transformed and stored in the ball itself rather than in the wall upon collision. This is a drastically different approach from the soft wall rebounders that inefficiently store the energy in the springs and fabric of the wall itself. Due to the relatively small deformation of the ball, these transformations of energy are achieved in a fraction of the time and with such great efficiency, which is what leads to the dramatic performance improvement over conventional soft walls. We have taken advantage of a lacrosse ball’s unique elastic properties and ability to efficiently store and return energy, far more effectively than any soft wall. This wall plays extremely quick, extremely fast, and extremely long if desired. The wall will remain a high density object, so as long as you have a NFHS/NOCSAE/SEI/NCAA approved lacrosse ball in good condition, your wall will perform for its entire lifetime, as good as it did on day one.

Hard Wall Technology

The wall body is made from a high density composite material that is as dense as concrete and more than 150X stronger than concrete.

High Density Composite Core Sample

High Density Composite Core Sample

Conservation of Energy

This whole concept works only because our sport just happens to use a ball that inherently posses fantastic elastic properties that in combination with our high density HARD WALL, returns nearly all the energy to the rebounded ball.

Arc Playing Surface

The LAXWORX HARDWALL REBOUNDER also features a curved face playing surface. Conventional flat surface rebounders maintain the same angle along the entire playing surface. A ball thrown low, a ball thrown mid level, and a ball thrown high, all approach the wall at different angles and require a different wall angle to return the ball to the player at the ideal trajectory. This can only be achieved with a curved playing surface. This effectively gives the wall a larger playable surface that is kinder to play on than any flat surface wall or rebounder.